CfP IVMC6: Crafting a Visual Plot – Epic Images of Mundane Stories, Bucharest, 2019

NUPSPA (Romanian SNSPA) is delighted to invite researchers, practitioners, academics, and post-graduate students to attend the 6th International Visual Methods Conference which will be hosted by the College of Communication and Public Relations in Bucharest, Romania ( This is part of an on- going series of conferences operating at the junction where academic research and practice meet. Previous conferences were held in Auckland (2011), Brighton (2015), and Singapore (2017). In a world where grand ideologies do not support or legitimate the public narratives of nation states, corporations, or brands, the overarching theme of the 6th International Visual Methods Conference is the visual component of les petites histoires (small stories) – as opposed to les grandes histoires (Lyotard, 1993). Such petites histoires are told through images, logos, advertising spots, photographs, vlogs, infographics, music videos, digital stories, sketches, signs, documentaries, stencils, caricatures, games or emoticons – and support a different kind of narrative.

That is, a narrative belonging, sometimes, to disenfranchised groups, activists, networks, communities, as well as to the new forms of corporate communication. Within this context, the theme for IVMC6 is: Epic Images of Mundane Stories.

We welcome proposals exploring any of these areas:

  • Narrative and visual methods
  • Exploring digital visual methodologies, apps, and software
  • Visual communication (advertising, social media, graphics and illustrations)
  • Visualization of big data analysis, predictive analytics, and info-graphics
  • Participatory and critical visual methods
  • Visual methods in teaching and learning
  • Ethics in visual methodologies
  • Visual culture

The core of our programme is built on four open strands designed to capture strong proposals:

  • Visual storytelling
  • Visual methods
  • Visual culture
  • Visual communication for advertising, PR, social development and activism

We invite scholars and visual practitioners to submit proposal for panels, papers, or other types of conference themes. (e.g. walking workshops).

At this stage of organizing the conference, some sections of this website are still under under construction, but we suggest that you read the Call for Panels, Papers, and other Presentations, and the registration info in this [pdf].

In the tradition of previous IVMC editions, the logo for 2019 includes a local motif – the “l” in “Visual” alludes to the Endless Column of Romanian sculptor Constantin Brâncuși.

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