CfP: Street Art. An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference, Prague, 2022
Street Art. An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference, Sunday 8th May 2022 – Monday 9th May 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
By any name, the unofficial movement that creates public art on structures of all kinds in cities around the world, is growing. The common denominators are many and varied, and include concepts such as identity, resistance, support, communication, visibility for something otherwise hidden, and location. Always in public spaces—including buildings, fences or walls, trains, fire hydrants, and lately even rocks—and often mind-bogglingly beautiful, street art is often created clandestinely by almost invisible artists, and it is has historically been condemned across a broad spectrum of society.
But that’s changing.
From its early beginnings as vandalism and graffiti, street art has become something to celebrate and support. Governments have begun supporting “public art” contests and projects, street artists such as Banksy have gained fame (or notoriety) and neighbourhoods around the globe are promoting their locations as can’t-miss tourist sites.
With these kinds of moves toward the acceptable, has street art lost some of its street cred, or has it in fact legitimized the messages behind it? If graffiti was about claiming space, does sanctioned graffiti help define that space? And if street artists have the freedom and the time to create works of art without the fear of being chased off or, worse, imprisoned, does their work have more power to speak? These are other questions are the focus in this inaugural inclusive interdisciplinary event on Streets and the Arts to be held in Prague.
Key Topics
We aim to examine the intricacies of street art and welcome abstracts for papers, presentations, demonstrations, workshops, and more from artists, historians, academics, authors, professionals, and others. The event will provide a platform for anyone with an interest in street art – creating it, researching it, writing about it, or viewing it – to engage in inclusive interdisciplinary explorations of all aspects of the topic. The organizers welcome a 300-word proposal for presentations on any related subject, including but not limited to:
~ aesthetics of street art: influences, mediums, intersections with other art forms, evolution, future trajectories
~ graffiti and art/graffiti as art
~ contesting street art as a ‘real art’
~ street art and notions of beauty
~ status of street art in the ‘high brow’ art vs ‘low brow’ art debate
~ public attitudes about street art across historical periods, localities and cultures
~ street art and ideology
~ street art as activism and resistance
~ impact of technologies on street art
~ tourism inspired by street art
~ criminal connections/connotations of street art
~ street art and the law (legislative frameworks for prohibiting street art, local planning frameworks that promote street art, punishment for street artists)
~ street art as a transformative force in neighborhoods (for good or ill)
~ street art after natural disasters (e.g. New Orleans post-Katrina)
There will also be opportunities to explore the street art of Prague as part of the conference experience.
What To Send
The aim of this inclusive interdisciplinary conference and collaborative networking event is to bring people together and encourage creative conversations in the context of a variety of formats: papers, seminars, workshops, storytelling, performances, poster presentations, problem-solving sessions, case studies, panels, q&a’s, round-tables etc. Creative responses to the subject, such as poetry/prose, short film screenings/original drama, installations and alternative presentation styles that engage the audience and foster debate are particularly encouraged. Please feel free to put forward proposals that you think will get the message across, in whatever form.
At the end of the conference we will be exploring ways in which we can develop the discussions and dialogues in new and sustainable inclusive interdisciplinary directions, including research, workshops, publications, public interest days, associations, developing courses etc which will help us make sense of the topics discussed during the meeting. There is an intention, subject to the discussions which emerge during the course of the meeting, to form a selective innovative interdisciplinary publication to engender further research and collaboration.
300 word proposals, presentations, abstracts and other forms of contribution and participation should be submitted by Friday 26th November 2021. Other forms of participation should be discussed in advance with the Organising Chairs.
All submissions will be at least double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the Project Team, the Development Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.
You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 10th December 2021.
If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 8th April 2022.
Abstracts and proposals may be in Word, RTF or Notepad formats with the following information and in this order:
a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in the programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) type of proposal e.g. paper presentation, workshop, panel, film, performance, etc, f) body of proposal, g) up to 10 keywords.
E-mails should be entitled: Street Art Submission
Where To Send
Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chair and the Project Administrator:
Teresa Cutler-Broyles (Organising Chair):
Lorraine Rumson (Project Administrator):
Please send all enquiries about the conference to:
For further details and information please visit the conference web page: